Thursday, 7 April 2016

Multiple choice questions

Ict in educatioN

[1] ICT stands for,

 [a] Information Collaborative Techniques
 [b] Information And Communication Technology
 [c] Important Computer Techniques
 [d] Information and Computer Technology

[2] Which is the ‘read only web’ according to Berners Lee?

[a]Web 1.0     [b]web 2.0   [c]Web 3.0   [d]all of these

[3] The system which provide administrative support to instructors for managing instructional materials and activities is,

[a]CMC   [b]CMI   [c]computer simulation  [d]CAI

[4] An attempt to model a real life or hypothetical situation on a computer is called ,

[a]CMI   [b]CMC  [c]CAI  [d]computer simulation

[5] Which of the free educational software helps in animation?

[a]Kalzium  [b]G-compris  [c]GeoGebra  [d]Tupic-2D Magic

[6] Which is the puzzle and quiz building software ?

[a]Hot potatoes  [b]online quizmaker  [c]online discussion forums  [d]none of these

[7] 'synchronous’ means the communication in which

[a]only one participant and instructor are present
[b]many participants can interact but no instructor is present
[c]all participants are online simultaniously
[d]there are time constraints in communication

[8] The Web-based publication consisting primarily of periodic articles,most of them in reverse chronological order is,

[a]Blog  [b]online forums  [c]Wiki [d]e-journals

[9] Which of the following is the social web?

[a]Web 1.0 [b]Web 2.0 [c]Web 3.0 [d]none of these

[10] Youtube is an example of,

[a]Web 1.0 based website [b]Web 2.0 based website [c]cloud computing  [d]CMC




                                     The elements are sometimes called the building blocks of the Universe because everything in the Universe-including ourselves – is made of them.The nucleus of each element consists of atoms with the same number of protons.Each element is unique,although elements can exist in different forms-for example,carbon may be soft but its another form diamond is the hardest among all substances.

                                   There are about 118 elements altogether,and 91 occur naturally on Earth.Others can be created artificially in laboratories,but in minute quantities and they have very short lifespans.

The heaviest &lightest elements

      Heaviest  elements


Osmium is the heaviest element of all. It was discovered by the British chemist Smithson Tennant in 1803. He named it after the Greek word for smell because it smelt bad.  Osmium is twice as heavy as lead-so heavy that a cubic foot weighs 640 kg, as much as ten average people. It is used to make hard wearing points such as the nibs of fountain pens.


 Platinum was used before any one realized that it was an element . It weighs almost as much as Osmium and is used to make jewellery that is even more expensive than gold.  It is also used in Catalytic converters in cars to reduce the pollution from exhaust gases.


Plutonium was discovered in 1941 and is heavy and highly radio active metal.  It is used as a nuclear fuel and nuclear weapons.


 Gold is the best known of all heavy metals – though at 19.29 g per cubic centimeter it is less heavy than the others here.

            lightest elements


 Hydrogen is the simplest and lightest element,and the most common in the entire Universe-93 percent of all atoms in the Universe are hydrogen atoms. The air in a 
room with walls 4 m long and 4 m high would weigh 82.5 km but if the same room  were filled with hydrogen it would weigh only 5.76 kg. This is why it was used in balloons carrying human passengers.


 Helium is twice as heavy as hydrogen, but it is still only 1/7th the weight of air.  Unlike hydrogen, helium does not burn, so it is used in modern airships.


Lithium was discovered in 1817 by Swedish scientist Johan August Arfvedson.  It takes its name from the Latin word for rock, although it is actually a metal.  It is so light and so soft that it can be easily cut with a knife. It floats because it is half as heavy as water and lighter than some types of wood. It is used to make lithium batteries.

Potassium and Sodium

 Both were discovered in 1807 by Sir Humphry Davy. Both are metals that are lighter than water.  In Laboratory potassium is usually kept in paraffin because it comes into contact with water it releases hydrogen and generates so much heat that it catches fire. When sodium is dropped into water it hurtles around on the surface before noisley bursting into flames.  So it is also kept in Paraffin. 


     science teacher as a     technopedagogue

                         The term ‘PEDAGOGUE’ is derived from two Greek words pais,paidos meaning boy and agogos meaning guide,which together connets a ‘teacher’.pedagogic implies the science of teaching.By pedagogic analysis we mean a logical and systematic breakup of the curriculum from the point of view of a pedegogue for the purpose of its effective transaction.

                            Technopedagogy refers to the techniques of the craft of teaching into the learning environment itself.It requires conscious recognition of the mediated learning environment in order to maximize the ease and clarity in the transmission of information.

                           Technology is a broad and constantly changing skill-set required of faculty and selecting the appropriate technopedagogical strategies to effectively engage students in the content is a separate skill-set.Media literacy influence student’s development and developing a critical analysis of media consumption is an important skill for students.The dynamics of classroom change when e-learning is a part of regular learning environment.The technological pedagogial content knowledge is a collaboratively developed framework of scholars and researchers seeking to conceptualize and clarity the competencies that evolve from the intersection between pedagogy and technology.

                             Pedagogical content knowledge was first described by Leeshulman[1986]and TPACK builds on core ideas through the inclusion of technology.Technological content knowledge refers to the knowledge about how technology may be used to provide new ways of teaching content.

                              TPACK is an emergent form of knowledge that goes beyond all ‘core’ components [content,pedagogy and technology]. Technological pedagogical content knowledge is an understanding that emerges from interactions among content, pedagogy and technology related knowledge.It is the basis of effective teaching with technology.

                           Technology in the classroom is becoming more and more predominant.According to various studies , students prefer technology because they believe that makes learning more interesting and fun.Subjects that are challenging or boring can become more interesting with virtual lessons ,through a video or when using a tablet.Using technology in the classroom would help to prepare them for the digital future.Thus surely technology implies or occupies an important place.


        A science must be skilled in ;

*     Basic technology operation
*     Personal and professional use of technology tools.
*     Application of technology in instruction
*     Power point presentation.
*     Creating desktop publishing documents
*     Selecting and customizing instructional software to          fit students needs.
*     Streamlining record keeping and other                                administrative procedures with electronic tools.
*    Observing the correct protocols in sharing                          intellectual property
*     Give directions to use technology related tools
*     Understanding individual differences to use these               tools and make use of appropriate methods
*      Solving questions of each students and guide them in         an accurate way

*      Making use of proper space arrangements for                   effective visualization

Wednesday, 6 April 2016


sciEnce-a process approach    [sapa]

                SAPA was determined in the 1960’s by a project funded by American Association for the Advancement of Science[AAAS]. It utilized 11 basic skills to implement good science.these skills are in effect the underlying components of what is frequently called ‘scientific method of reasoning’.These 11  major processes are; observation,inferring,predicting,measuring,communicating,interpreting data,making operational definitions,formulating questions and hypothesis,experimenting and formulating models.

                        Most of these 11 process skills are used and agreed upon by all science educators as desirable outcomes for learners of science.when students are given opportunities to explore freely the aspects of the world and scientific endeavour such as diversity,change,continuity,interaction,organization,and limitation,then the skills of science can be learned in an easy and exciting manner.these conceptual schemes combined with hands on activities provide the framework for learning in science but even beyond that,they become the platform for critical thoughts and open mindedness
    CASE was developed in the 1980’s at King’s college,London,by Michael Shayer,Philip Adey and Carolyn Yates and is based on the cognitive psychology of Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky.It uses a teaching approach which challenges student’s current level of thinking,encourages students to learn through cooperation with their peers,and develop their meta-cognitive skills including the ability to reason,assess arguments and solve problems.

              The educational theory behind CASE will be gone into in more depth in the full CASE training course, but essentially stems from the Piagetian ideas of cognitive levels and the fact that ,with training,students can be moved up to higher cognitive levels.
             Simply cognitive acceleration is an approach to teaching designed to develop student’s thinking ability.The teacher sets up good learning context and intervenes to guide the learners towards the learning goal.A mediator asks probing questions which gradually leading the learners to discover the answer for themselves.The mediator can offer clues which direct the learner , improving chance of successful thinking. Learner which develop abstract thinking directly have the following structure,

        Setting the scene-concrete preparation seems a similar purpose to the ‘bridging’section and links the activity to current knowledge,explains the task and check vocabulary.

        Challenge-challenge must be set just above the current level of secure knowledge-hard enough to be a challenge,but not so hard as to make the learners switch off.In a science lesson this can be taken in the form of demonstration with an unexpected effect.

Group work-The teacher can easily engage her students by group work.

Plenary-once the groups have solutions, the class shares ideas.The teacher does not give the answer but asks a group for a solution,then asks another;if they agree or disagree and why.The discussion continues until there is agreement.Teacher leads the group towards the answer through questioning.

Metacognition-during group work and the plenary,the teacher ask questions that reveal the thinking process,metacognition,which has been shown to be effective in securing knowledge.

Bridging knowledge in isolation from the learner’s secure knowledge is usually lost. The learner needs to bridge new learning to existing experiences.

let’s think through science

          Let us think program are the set of problem solving classroom activities geared to different ages which provide learners with interesting and puzzling challenges.Carefully orchestrated by trained teachers, students tackle the problems collectively,reach their own conclusions and reflect on the thinking process they used.As a result they become more confident.